永恒手链 纽约 旧金山 洛杉矶: 永恆手鍊 紐約 舊金山 洛杉磯 ($8 押金)

2 reviews


阿玛仕永久饰品 (Āmǎshì yǒngjiǔ shìpǐn) 将在洛杉矶举办为期一天的快闪店活动!

想举办私人活动? 请发送电子邮件至 hi@amarewear.com 或致电 4152037202


洛杉矶威尔榭大道 10740 号

$48 押金可全额退款 多人团购 (10 人以上) 只需支付一份押金




欢迎预约 欢迎您在营业时间内随时到店!虽然接受现场预约,但不能保证名额。

脚链须提前告知 为了确保我们的脚链珠宝商能为您服务,如果您想要脚链,请提前告知我们。您可以在结账时留下备注,或致电/短信我们 +1 415-203-7202


各种永久饰品供您选择 专业珠宝商将根据您的选择进行定制尺寸并焊接,确保完美贴合 舒适宜人的环境

有问题吗?我们随时为您解答! 请在您到店之前致电或短信我们 415-203-7202

来自我们纽约工作室的 14K 金链 100% 纯正 585 14K 金链,超越美国印记法案标准


每个永久饰品(手链、脚链、项链)的预约时间为 25 分钟。

多人团购只需支付一份押金;结账时请留下备注。 如需更多信息,请短信/致电 415-203-7202 或发送电子邮件至 hi@amarewear.com。



点击此处预订私人活动 点击此处预订维修/重新连接服务(旧金山门店) 点击此处预订维修/重新连接服务(纽约门店) 纽约门店地址:纽约苏荷区王子街 172 号

30 天免费调整保修期。如果顾客自行拉伸永久饰品,则我们将在 30 天内无法提供免费维修服务。

在您选择链条后,我们训练有素的连接师将为您完美调整尺寸,并通过焊接工艺为您打造无扣的 手链、项链、脚链或戒指。 这些可持续的 14K 纯黄ゴールド链条展现简约风格。 永久饰品让您无需费力即可佩戴,非常适合那些想要每天运动、闪耀或克服皮肤敏感问题的人士。

选择适合您风格的链条,用这款手链留下永久的印记吧!(就像您的姓名缩写一样,懂了吗?) 它将永恒相伴,无需担心。

  1. 选择链条

  1. 添加吊坠

  1. 获得独特定制的贴合尺寸

  1. 焊接成永久饰品

  1. 永久饰品的售后护理



您的永久饰品可以使用几周、几个月、几年 - 只要您愿意!请记住,虽然经过固定的永久饰品适用于日常佩戴,但它仍然是贵重饰品,并非坚不可摧。

永久饰品可以永远不取下吗? 可以,如果您以后想取下,可以用剪刀轻松剪掉。 如果要剪掉,请确保在焊接处剪断并保存您的链条,以备将来再次连接或带回给我们改造成普通手链 :)


焊接后可以改变主意吗? 类似于纹身。所有销售均为最终销售。

永久饰品能过安检吗? 运输安全管理局不会要求您取下饰品,因此您可以将您的永久饰品带到任何地方!它不会触发任何金属探测器。

如果我剪断了链条或它松脱了怎么办? 请保存您的链条,重新连接的费用为 30 美元/次。如果链条并非原始状态(无法修复的拉伸或断裂),则必须购买新的链条。

取消政策: 预约前


How do I take care of permanent jewelry?

Watch a short video


Regular washing: Clean your jewelry regularly with warm water and a gentle soap (like dish soap). You can use a soft-bristled toothbrush to get into any crevices.  

Avoid harsh chemicals: Keep your jewelry away from harsh chemicals like chlorine, bleach, and perfume. These can damage or tarnish the metal.  

After swimming: Rinse your jewelry with fresh water after swimming in the ocean or a pool to remove chlorine or salt.  

Pat dry: Gently pat your jewelry dry with a soft cloth after cleaning.  

General Care:

Avoid snagging: Be mindful of your jewelry when getting dressed, brushing your hair, or participating in activities where it might get caught or snagged.

Be gentle: Avoid pulling or tugging on your jewelry.  

Storage: If you need to remove your permanent jewelry for a medical procedure like an MRI, store it in a safe place.

How do I take care of jewelry?

Care for your jewelry to make it last; remove before activities that risk damage. As a tip: put on last, remove first.

Store pieces separately, in a dry, safe place to protect from daily exposure. Ensure dry before storing.


Our jewelry premium cleaner pens are made with biodegradable, non-toxic and eco-friendly materials for a safe and effortless cleaning experience.

How do I take care of pearls?

As organic gems, pearls are vulnerable to chemicals found in cosmetics, hair spray, and perfume. To preserve the luster of your pearls, always put on your jewelry after applying makeup and styling products. Pearls can also be harmed by perspiration. Before placing your pearls back into the jewelry box, wipe them gently with a soft cotton or bamboo cloth.

What is recycled gold, and how is it different from newly mined gold?

Recycled gold is derived from existing sources, such as old jewelry and electronic waste, rather than being newly extracted from the earth. It is chemically identical to newly mined gold, offering the same brilliance and durability. Because gold is a stable element, it retains its quality regardless of how many times it's recycled. Choosing recycled gold benefits the environment by reducing the need for mining and lessening waste.

What is Amare Wear doing to reduce its carbon emissions?

Amare Wear is committed to sustainability. By using 95% recycled gold and 92% recycled silver, we significantly reduce our carbon footprint and contribute to a healthier planet. This means our jewelry creation process generates fewer greenhouse gas emissions.

Do you offer e-gift cards for international customers?

E-gift cards are available to all domestic and international customers

How Do I Set Up A Subscription Order?

We will deliver products to you as soon as reasonably possible. Orders are usually dispatched between 1-3 days from the date of the order being placed. Please contact us our customer service team if your delivery has not been received within the dates described.

How To Return My Purchases?

To keep our prices as accessible as possible, we do not currently offer free returns. This means you'll be responsible for the cost of shipping your return. For international returns, please mark your package "Returned Goods" to avoid import duties.

We recommend using a trackable shipping method and retaining proof of postage.

Return Address:

New York City: 172 Prince St. New York NY 10012

San Francisco: 2230 Chestnut St San Francisco CA 94123